T-Mobile "Live Via 4G"
How does anyone make anyone care about telecom-claims in advertising? Well, that was the question we once again had to ask ourselves when T-Mobile for the 5th time expected to be named 'the fastest network' in The Netherlands. To keep it simple, we decided to put our money where the mouth and make a real-life test of what that means to real people across The Netherlands. We teamed up with an eclectic cast of characters across the nation, and the day the results were announced we shot 11 live commercials, edited on the fly and broadcast using T-Mobiles 4G network from all corners of the Netherlands using the facilities usually used for sports programming. And so, for one night everyone did care, about the racing grandma, the waltzing geese and five snails racing their hearts out because it was brought to them on via Netherlands fastest G4 network. Role: ECD ECD: Martin Peters Agency: Anomaly Amsterdam