What to do, when the creatives are urging for a different kind of assignment? Well, you make one up and make sure it is damn unreasonable, like making a beer from Amsterdam canal water. However, beyond the challenge of creating and designing our beer, we had a bigger plan. We wanted to bring attention to our partner Village Pump — and see if we could turn a profit on dirty water that in turn could be reused to install water filtration systems in the 3rd world. For the beer part, we partnered with Henrietta Waal and Mediamatic to find out if it was possible. After a series of trials and errors, we ended up with Gracht Unreasonable Pale Ale. A bitter yet delicious summer brew made with the most excellent canal water collected from Herengracht 551 and brewed on-site at Mediamatic. While we didn't make a huge profit, we got picked up by Vice Munchies and a couple of other news outlets. And even the mayor had a taste. My Role: Executive Creative Director / Instigator Executive Creative Director: Martin Peters Creatives: Justin Blyth Gabe Jaffe, Guillaume Roukhomovsky, Gilles Suprin Design: Andy McAlpine